The Team

David Harrison - Content Writer
David is Mr Endurance - a long time participant in endurance races including Ironman, ultramarathons & long distance cycling events. He rides his e-mountain bike, so he can stay out longer & take the pressure off his legs after a weekend of racing. Unlike Daniel he’s a useless mechanic, but good at the hard yards.

Lewis Gifford - Expert E-bike Rider
Lewis is Mr Rider. With race experience, from grassroots to the enduro world series he knows his way around bikes and products that work well! From the latest tech to testing different products, if it helps his riding, you can be sure he's tried it.You'll most likely find Lewis out on the trails come wind or rain!

Lloyd Goodall - EMTB Rider/Reviewer
Lloyd’s passion for MTB and EMTB has seen him riding (and crashing) across the UK and Europe. XC, Enduro, Downhill, Trail Centres, Bike Parks and “to the shops and back” He’s our MIAS qualified MTB leader who lives nothing better than a big day out with friends on a power assisted machine.